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What to check on the car during the winter period of operation and what to look for?


In addition to regular inspections (lighting, brakes and tires), in winter:

  • Check battery and alternator. The battery is subject to low temperature differences, which accordingly affects the capacity and operation of the battery under load (starting the motor). A depleted battery, in addition to interfering with proper operation when starting the engine, can also damage the electrical system and cause a short circuit in the wiring and ignition of your car.
    It is advisable to leave (park) a car in a garage or covered parking.
  • Check washer fluid level. Since the washer fluid consists mainly of water, it easily freezes when the temperature drops. Therefore, it is recommended to replenish the supply of washer fluid, a seasonal value that can withstand the desired temperature. It is equally important to monitor the level and quality of engine coolant.
  • Check the condition of the windshield of the car. In winter, one simple action can easily crack (form a crack) your windshield. As a result of cold and frost, the temperature difference inside and outside the car, the resistance of the glass changes, which makes the windshield more vulnerable. Therefore, it is important to inspect and prevent glass before renting a car.
  • Make sure that the car has seasonal (studded) tires. If you live in a region where snow or ice often fall, it is important to use winter tires with studs. If necessary, indicate to the tenants the correct driving on studded wheels. Spike wheels should be mounted directly on the drive wheels (which are usually the front wheels) and removed when there is no more snow on the road.
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